The Filenspolder nature reserve is just south of the village of Witmarsum. This is an area that attracts large numbers of meadow birds. And bird counts indicate that the populations are increasing.
The Filenspolder nature reserve is just south of the village of Witmarsum. The area attracts large numbers of meadow birds. And bird counts indicate that the populations are increasing. The reclaimed land is ideal nesting habitat for meadow birds such as lapwings, black-tailed godwits, redshank and Eurasian oystercatchers. The herb-rich grasslands can be viewed from Flietsterbos forest, which looks out over the reserve. Yellow wagtails and a few garganey ducks raise their young here. Natuurmonumenten, the organisation that preserves landscapes and cultural heritage in the Netherlands, waits until the end of June to gather the grass crops so as not to disturb the nesting birds. After the grass has been cut for the first time, cows and sheep graze in the meadows.
Here you will find Filenspolder Nature Reserve
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