Camp 'De Slikken'
The reclamation of the Linthorst Homanpolder started in 1939. Camp ‘De Slikken’ housed thousands of labourers. After the war, this is where members of the NSB were taken.
In 1939 work started on reclaiming the Linthorst Homanpolder, and two barracks were built to house the people who were working there in the framework of employment creation. The complex quickly proved too small and one kilometre north camp 'De Slikken' was built on the dyke to house the thousands of labourers.
The start of the Second World War delayed the land-reclamation process. Thirteen labourers and a bus driver lost their lives in 1940 when their bus collided with a train near Ranum, when the Marne line was still in use. There is a monument to honour them.
The polder was completed in 1947. Between 1946 and 1949, the camp housed 500 to 800 NSB members who built a number of houses for the camp supervisors in Kaakhorn in 1948. Later most barracks were demolished, but three are still in use as group accommodation in holiday park ‘De Slikken’.
Linthorst Homanpolder : Monument near "de Slikken" in memory of the workers who died during their work. Photographer unknown, Groninger Archieven.
Wadden Coast Groningen
Military Heritage