The famous berry of Terschelling
A small industry has developed around the cranberry. Harvesting, sorting and packaging is done on the island at Cranberry Terschelling BV. The production of juices, syrups, jams, sauces and all the other local products has been moved to Harlingen because there is not enough space on the island. But of course you can still buy and eat cranberries anywhere on the island. At the Koffie- & Theehuys of de Bessenschuur for example. Here you can enjoy cranberry tea and the best cranberry pastry on the island.
’t Lokaal is a shop where you can also eat and offers many local, organic products. You can have some delicious home-made cranberry cheesecake with your coffee here. At De Bionier you can shop for organic products and Terschellinger specialities. Don’t shop at a large supermarket chain when you’re on holiday; enjoy the local and organic food instead. And there’s lots to buy too, so you can take your holiday home with you: cranberry compote, Terschellinger honey, cranberry vinegar and “Zeekraal” sheep’s cheese with and fenugreek, for example.
Groenhof is a small-scale organic cranberry producer run by Daan van Zandwijk. At this company the cranberries are still processed on the island. The cranberries are turned into delicious local products, such as compote, jam, vinegar and liqueur. Buy them at the self-pick garden of his sister Suus (only during summer months) or at Schapenboerderij De Zeekraal.
Taste of the Wadden