Farm and Carriage Museum Vreeburg


Museum Vreeburg is a restored farm dated from the 17th century. It serves as a regional museum. On the ground floor you will find completely furnished rooms and in the cowhouses antiques tools. The carriage museum, connected with the farmhouse was complet

Take a look

Museum Vreeburg is a restored farm dated from the 17th century. It serves as a regional museum. On the ground floor you will find completely furnished rooms and in the cowhouses antiques tools. The carriage museum, connected with the farmhouse was completed in 2008. Here you can see authentic cariages in the original state.

  • Toelichting: Openingstijden:

    April t/m oktober
    woensdag t/m zaterdag: 13.30 - 16.30 uur

    Juli en augustus
    woensdag t/m zondag: 13.30 - 16.30 uur

    Afwijkende openingstijden
    25 en 26 april:
    Nationale Museumweek: zaterdag en zondag: 10.00 - 16.30 uur (toegang gratis).

    14 juni:
    Kunstplein: zondag: 11.00 - 16.30 uur.

    12 september:
    Open Monumentendag: zaterdag 10.00 - 16.30 uur (toegang gratis).

    Westfriese donderdagen: 2/9/16/23 en 30 juli, 6/13/20 en 27 augustus en 3 september 9.30 - 16.30 uur
    Op de tien Westfriese donderdagen in de zomer worden in het museum oude ambachten uitgeoefend. In de Muziektuin worden 's morgens de wagens - die meerijden in de optocht - aangespannen.
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Here you will find Farm and Carriage Museum Vreeburg

Loet 14
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