The stretch of Wadden Sea that faces the little village of Zurich nestled at the foot of the dike is the largest UNESCO World Heritage Site in the Netherlands. Twice a day the tide laps against the dike and twice a day it goes a long way out.
The stretch of Wadden Sea that faces the little village of Zurich nestled at the foot of the dike is the largest UNESCO World Heritage Site in the Netherlands.
Twice a day the tide laps against the dike and twice a day it goes a long way out. This is when the birds feed, pulling worms, crabs, shrimps and insects from the muddy seabed with their long beaks. The height of the dike makes it one of the best places from which to observe this spectacle. You hear the birds calling to each other, smell the salt of the sea and feel the dynamic interplay of water and wind. Settle in and enjoy the show. Six hours from now, the wondrous Wadden Sea panorama at your feet will look very different.
Here you will find Wadden Sea near Zurich - UNESCO World Heritage Site
UNESCO Werelderfgoed de Waddenzee bij Zurichfrom your location
Unesco Werelderfgoed in Friesland. Bezoek vier werelderfgoederen in vier dagen.
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De Afsluitdijk speelde een belangrijke strategische rol bij de verdediging van Nederland. Deze fietsroute voert u langs de overblijfselen van de Wo...
On May 12, 1940, German troops entered the province of Friesland from Groningen and Frederiksoord-Noordwolde. The Wonsstelling, consisting of simpl...
Deze schitterende fietsroute brengt je van de kop van Noord-Holland naar de Friese havenstad Harlingen. Het is onderdeel van de landelijke LF Kustr...
De laatste dag van je roadtrip staat in het teken van staten, of ‘de Friese kastelen’. Bewonder een drietal staten, voordat je de stad Franeker in...
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At the end of the 11th century, the people of Pingjum built a remarkable ring dike around their village. The dike came to be known as the ‘Gold Col...
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De Ruyterstraat 128Bed and Breakfast de Hugt is located between the farmlands near Ulrum and near National Park Lauwersmeer. The rooms are spacious, you can use a kit...
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Reinste Abdenaweg 1Until 1935, De Oude Remise was used as the shed of the State Railways. When the building was built in 1877, there was room for eight locomotives.
Oudezijl 1Visitors to the Flora maritime and beachcombers' museum will experience the tough, rugged world of beachcombing and learn about pilotage, the life-...
Pontweg 141AAt Restaurant de Molenaar in Onderdendam you can enjoy a pleasant afternoon or evening out and a special overnight stay. Come have lunch or dinner...
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Zanddijk 321Restaurant De Jongens uit de buurt is gevestigd op Marenland Recreatie in Winsum.
Marenland RecreatieHerberg Restaurant Molenrij is een gezellig restaurant aan de Groninger Waddenkust. Lokale, verse producten zijn het recept voor een heerlijke maal...
Henricus van Cappenbergweg 34To your heart and in your inbox. Receive an newsletter with tips, activities, and updates on the Wadden Sea. Sign up to stay connected.