Holwerterpolder at Noard Fryslân Butendyks Nature Reserve


If you like the idea of walking in a swamp forest, a 3 or 5-kilometre walk through this remarkable part of the De Alde Feanen National Park will lead you on a fascinating journey of discovery.

Take a look

Holwerterpolder is a unique part of the UNESCO Wadden Sea World Heritage site. The swaying reed beds and rich salt marsh ecosystem make this a spectacular place to get your boots in the mud. Here where fresh water meets salt water you can book a mudflat hike or walk the Holwertwest hiking trail. 

Immerse yourself in the smell of the mud and the ever-present wind, listen to the birdsong and marvel at the remarkable skies. Tough or sensitive, active or passive, here you forge your own trail.  

Distance to your location

Here you will find Holwerterpolder at Noard Fryslân Butendyks Nature Reserve

9151 AE Holwerd
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