Note: The ferry between Eernewoude (Earnewâld) and Warten on the route does not run this season because of Corona. This means you will have to cycle via the following junctions: 33-69-34-35 (via Fonejachtbrug).
Tip: Make sure you have some money for the ferries along the way.
This two-and-a-half-hour route starts in Eernewoude. The water sports village of Eernewoude i…
Note: The ferry between Eernewoude (Earnewâld) and Warten on the route does not run this season because of Corona. This means you will have to cycle via the following junctions: 33-69-34-35 (via Fonejachtbrug).
Tip: Make sure you have some money for the ferries along the way.
This two-and-a-half-hour route starts in Eernewoude. The water sports village of Eernewoude is a very popular place for cyclists and boaters. Here you can look for souvenir shops and you will pass the Alde Feanen Verhuur, where you can rent a canoe to discover the nature reserve from the water. You will also pass Bezoekerscentrum De Alde Feanen and the popular Hotel Restaurant Princenhof, which offers a nice spot for boat watching on the water. Follow the turnings as indicated to arrive at the south side of the village. On the way, you will pass tourist spots such as Camping 't Wiid, De Twirre, It Pettebosk, Waterspeelplaats It Wiid and the Skûtsjemuseum.
We cycle from Eernewoude to Warten, across the beautiful Wikelslân. An area full of fields and meadows. It is a beautiful nature area to stretch your legs. Reeds, bushes, hay and grassland adorn your walk, and you will discover animal species that have disappeared elsewhere: the greenfinch, the water rail, the bluethroat and the bearded tit. In Warten itself you can visit the Warten Museum, where you will hear a special story from the hermit couple Sytze and Maaike. Please note that this museum is closed from October to April inclusive!
From Warten we cycle towards Wergea, (Warga): in this village, you can spend the night at De Lytse Buorren.
We continue on to Grou. A great little water sports village with a nice village center where you can take a break on a terrace. Our hosts in this area are Informatiepunt Grou, Watersportpark Yn'e Lijte, Sup away Grou, Hotel Restaurant Oostergoo, Rondvaartbedrijf Redbad, Moai Fuort Grou and Anja Bootverhuur. Follow the road to cross over to the ferry and continue cycling. You are now cycling along a narrow waterway and endless meadows and views. Keep an eye on the right side, because just after the bend you can cycle to the De Burd polder mill from the 18th century. A nice place to rest!
After a short break, we continue towards the beautiful De Veenhoop, which we reach by ferry. De Veenhoop is also known among the Frisians for the Veenhoop Festival and sailing regattas. We continue past a rest area with a toilet, at Reidsloot. The route now leads along and through the Alde Feanen National Park, which, like the Wadden Sea area, was created by polders and peat cutting. The hand of man is much more visible here, in the straight water lines that show how and where peat used to be extracted. Just before entering Oudega is the beautiful De Stjelp campsite, where water sports and nature come together. When we leave Oudega, we drive to Eernewoude, with beautiful landscapes on our right. This is Friesland puur: moors, meadows and cycle paths.
Back in Eernewoude there are many opportunities to learn more about the area and its culture. For example, at the Skûtsjemuseum. But of course, a boat trip is also possible after a bike ride.
Informatiepunt NP De Alde Feanen
Wiidswei 32
9264 TM Earnewâld
Navigate to starting point
Wandelen in een moerasbos? Dan start hier je ontdekkingstocht. Een 3 of 5 kilometer lange wandeling door dit bijzondere gebied dat onderdeel is van het Nationaal Park Alde Feanen.
It Wikelslân
Dominee Bolleman - van der Veenweg
9264 Earnewald
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Midbourren 7
9003 LB Warten
-De pont vaart op feestdagen volgens de zondagsdienstregeling. -De Burd is een eiland. Er is geen doorgaand verkeer mogelijk, behalve in de zomer voor fietsers.
Watersportbedrijf ANJA: tankstation aan het water, verhuur van open zeilboten, zeiljachten en luxe sloepen.
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-Groepen kunnen zich buiten de reguliere vaartijden laten overzetten na telefonische afspraak: 06 57991511
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Op het water, tegenover de haven
9264 TM Earnewâld
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It Fliet 14-
9264 TD Earnewâld