The Wadden area’s most breathtaking routes

Bicycling, walking, boating or driving; choose your mode of transportation and start exploring the Wadden area. We’ve collected the most stunning routes for you on this page. Venture out and enjoy the amazing beauty that makes this area so special. No two days are ever alike in the Wadden Sea UNESCO World Heritage Site.

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49 to 54 of 54 results

  • Wandelroute Nationaal Park Schiermonnikoog

    Wandelroute Nationaal Park Schiermonnikoog
    (11.3 km)

    On Schiermonnikoog you will find the most natural shaped areas. This hike will show you the dynamic landscapes caused by nature.

    from your location

  • Langs Wad en Noordzee

    Langs Wad en Noordzee
    (24.7 km)

    This bikeride brings you to the eastern part of Vlieland; aswell the Northsea as the Wadden Sea will show their various sights, vegetation and wide...

    from your location

  • Waterwegen en zijlen

    Waterwegen en zijlen
    (17.9 km)

    from your location

  • Rond de Terpen

    Rond de Terpen
    (15.3 km)

    from your location

  • Herdenkingsroute Texel

    Herdenkingsroute Texel
    (53.0 km)

    Deze herdenkingsroute leidt automobilisten en fietsers langs plekken op het mooie eiland Texel, waarbij de overblijfselen van de Tweede Wereldoorlo...

    from your location

  • Wandelroute 't Oerd

    Wandelroute 't Oerd
    (3.7 km)

    This hike path at 't Oerd, is a place far away from civilitation at the tidelands from Ameland.

    from your location

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