Military cementaries telle many stories. Such as the years on the tombstones of the fallen soldiers during WO II. This monument is a memorial for 4 islanders whom were killed by war actions during WO II.
Military cementaries telle many stories. Such as the years on the tombstones of the fallen soldiers during WO II. This monument is a memorial for 4 islanders whom were killed by war actions during WO II.
Here you will find War monument Vlieland
Kerkplein 7from your location
Vlieland het oer landschap tussen de Waddenzee en Noordzee. Het eiland is een en al natuur, strijdend tegen de zee met een indrukwekkend duinlandsc...
Vlieland is het kleinst van alle Nederlandse Waddeneilanden. Vlieland is een eiland voor rustzoekers, natuurliefhebbers en levensgenieters. Er is é...
This bikeride brings you to the eastern part of Vlieland; aswell the Northsea as the Wadden Sea will show their various sights, vegetation and wide...
While biking around the island, feel the salted air through your hair and look out over the Northsea.
Op Vlieland zijn de lokale voedselstromen en kleinschalige voedselproducenten op één hand te tellen. Middels een culinaire wandeltocht over het eil...
Restaurant Hermans Dijkstra is located in the barn of the farm. A lovely diner is possible from Thursday till Sunday evening. Next to that it is po...
Reinste Abdenaweg 1Bed and Breakfast de Hugt is located between the farmlands near Ulrum and near National Park Lauwersmeer. The rooms are spacious, you can use a kit...
Ir. A.J. van den Brielweg 1Oudeschild is a nice fishing village on the east side of Texel and the only village on the island that lies directly on the sea. Bed and breakfast...
De Ruyterstraat 128Until 1935, De Oude Remise was used as the shed of the State Railways. When the building was built in 1877, there was room for eight locomotives.
Oudezijl 1Herberg Restaurant Molenrij is een gezellig restaurant aan de Groninger Waddenkust. Lokale, verse producten zijn het recept voor een heerlijke maal...
Henricus van Cappenbergweg 34At Restaurant de Molenaar in Onderdendam you can enjoy a pleasant afternoon or evening out and a special overnight stay. Come have lunch or dinner...
Uiterdijk 4De Golf van Termunterzijl vertelt als Landmark geen eigen verhaal maar laat het landschap en bewoners hun verhaal vertellen. Bezoekers ontdekken en...
TermunterzijlRestaurant De Jongens uit de buurt is gevestigd op Marenland Recreatie in Winsum.
Marenland RecreatieVisitors to the Flora maritime and beachcombers' museum will experience the tough, rugged world of beachcombing and learn about pilotage, the life-...
Pontweg 141AWith us, you can camp around a 100-year-old farm, which is now being used as a flowerbulb-nursery. From all the spacious camp spots you have a grea...
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