Baked Wadden mussels with chorizo and thyme



400 g of (Wadden) mussels 
fish stock or mussel herbs
olive oil
150 g of dried sausage
2 tbls of flour 
½ tbls of paprika
ground pepper 
½ tsp of salt
1 tbls of finely chopped red bell pepper 
½ tsp dried or fresh thyme
100 ml of white wine
2 tbls of finely chopped parsley


Clean the mussels and check them; the closed clams are good but if they remain open, even after washing them in cold water while energetically moving them back and forth in the sink, then they are not good. Boil them in stock for 4 minutes. 

Heat up some olive oil in a pan and fry the sausage for 2 minutes, turning it several times; the sausage releases some oil during the baking process, so make sure it doesn’t burn.  Turn up the heat and add the mussels, the red bell pepper, paprika and thyme; also add the wine if you want. Bake this for 2 minutes while stirring all the time and sprinkle the mussels with the parsley. This goes well together with sourdough bread.


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Recipes from Annette van Ruitenburg, de Waal Texel-  Copyright ©2019 for Visit Wadden

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