Red cabbage with cranberries and small peppers



1 small red cabbage of approximately 600 g
½ tsp of salt
2 tbls of cane sugar
1 Golden Rennet apple
200 g of cranberries
1 tsp of pink peppers
a piece of chilli pepper, finely chopped (optional)
a few twigs of thym


Remove the outer leaves of the cabbage and cut it in four; remove the hard centre.

Cut the cabbage into fine slices, with a mandoline for example. Put the cabbage and the salt in a pan and add a layer of water, then bring the whole to a boil. 

Turn down the heat and add the cranberries, the apple, the pink peppers and the sugar. Leave to simmer for half an hour (or a little longer if necessary), garnish with thyme. 


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Recipes from Annette van Ruitenburg, de Waal Texel-  Copyright ©2019 for Visit Wadden

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