Wereldwinkel Leeuwarden


Wereldwinkel Leeuwarden has been located at Nieuwestad 113 in Leeuwarden since November 2015. A store with a wide range of special products.

Take a look

Wereldwinkel Leeuwarden has been located at Nieuwestad 113 in Leeuwarden since November 2015. A store with a wide range of special products. Whether it's coffee, chocolate, a functional household item, a beautiful image or jewellry, they all have one thing in common:  the products are sustainably-made in non-Western cultures. Because the lines are short and the Wereldwinkels do not (want to) make a profit themselves, the producers receive a fair price. In this way, they can build a dignified existence with a good house, good food, education for their children and often good medical facilities. By purchasing products from the Wereldwinkel, you contribute to a better future for the Fairtrade producers.

Made with respect for people and the environment
Our products are made with respect for people and the environment. Many items are made from recycled materials and natural products such as glass, wood, stone, paper and tin. Our collection of Fairtrade jewellry is affordable and very diverse in (precious) metals and (precious) stones. The food range differs from the Fairtrade items sold in supermarkets because they are often not standard products, but rather more exclusive. You can go there for a nice collection of tea, coffee, chocolate and wines.

Always something new
In addition to a basic collection, our buyers are always looking for new products, so it is worth checking out regularly. The shop changes almost weekly so there is always something new to discover. We cordially invite you to come and have a look and of course buy something beautiful or tasty for yourself or someone else and at the same time contribute to a better world.

  • Maandag - 13:00 - 18:00
    Dinsdag - 10:00 - 18:00
    Woensdag - 10:00 - 18:00
    Donderdag - 10:00 - 18:00
    Vrijdag - 10:00 - 18:00
    Zaterdag - 10:00 - 17:00
    Zondag - Gesloten
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Here you will find Wereldwinkel Leeuwarden

Nieuwestad 113
8911 CN leeuwarden
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