The Wadden area’s most breathtaking routes

Bicycling, walking, boating or driving; choose your mode of transportation and start exploring the Wadden area. We’ve collected the most stunning routes for you on this page. Venture out and enjoy the amazing beauty that makes this area so special. No two days are ever alike in the Wadden Sea UNESCO World Heritage Site.

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1 to 24 of 54 results

  • De Graanrepubliek

    De Graanrepubliek
    (17.8 km)

    Een wandeling door de Graanrepubliek die Frank Westerman zo mooi heeft beschreven. Het landschap maakt de geschiedenis tastbaar: de rijkdom van de...

    from your location

  • Den Helder

    Den Helder
    (24.1 km)

    Deze gevarieerde route loopt langs de verschillende landschappen van de kop van Noord-Holland. Het open aandijkingslandschap en natuurgebied Mariën...

    from your location

  • Route of Five Mounds (demo)

    Route of Five Mounds (demo)
    (20.3 km)

    A circulair walk through the old wierden or mound landscape of Groningen, where the street names are reminders of the noble families that once owne...

    from your location

  • Herdenkingsroute Texel

    Herdenkingsroute Texel
    (53.0 km)

    Deze herdenkingsroute leidt automobilisten en fietsers langs plekken op het mooie eiland Texel, waarbij de overblijfselen van de Tweede Wereldoorlo...

    from your location

  • Pieterburen

    (47.7 km)

    from your location

  • Wandelroute 't Oerd

    Wandelroute 't Oerd
    (3.7 km)

    This hike path at 't Oerd, is a place far away from civilitation at the tidelands from Ameland.

    from your location


    (12.5 km)

    A route through the history of Hegebeintum and Blije!

    from your location

  • Boswachterspad Hollumerduinen en Lange Duinen

    Boswachterspad Hollumerduinen en Lange Duinen
    (8.3 km)

    The sandy dunes, the wet valleys and the wide beaches, are all part of this rangerpath at the Hollumerdunes at Ameland. Explore the birds that live...

    from your location

  • Rondje Schier

    Rondje Schier
    (13.1 km)

    A various bikeride through the asthonishing landscapes of Schiermonnikoog. During the ride you will see the nice village, a part of the woods aswel...

    from your location

  • Terschelling Boschplaat

    Terschelling Boschplaat
    (700 m)

    The Boschplaat on Terschelling is one of the few places ware rough nature in the Netherlands is at its best. About al bird species can be spotted i...

    from your location

  • Midsland polder, duinen en strand

    Midsland polder, duinen en strand
    (10.0 km)

    from your location

  • Rond de Terpen

    Rond de Terpen
    (15.3 km)

    from your location

  • Wandeling Holwerd aan Zee

    Wandeling Holwerd aan Zee
    (8.9 km)

    Wandelen met een gids over de toekomstige Boulevard van Holwerd aan Zee. Ervaar de dynamiek van het tij, de rust van de kwelders en de Sense of Pla...

    from your location

  • Rondje Vlieland met Uitkijkposten

    Rondje Vlieland met Uitkijkposten
    (23.6 km)

    While biking around the island, feel the salted air through your hair and look out over the Northsea.

    from your location

  • Boswachterspad Posthuiswad - Kroon's Polder

    Boswachterspad Posthuiswad - Kroon's Polder
    (7.4 km)

    This hike will lead you throug Kroon's reclaimed land and the foresterspath, discover the smell, colors and sounds of this Island.

    from your location

  • De Marneroute

    De Marneroute
    (15.9 km)

    This is a lovely hiking trail through an old landscape and past noteworthy sites that tell an interesting story, like the domain where the Asingabo...

    from your location

  • Boswachterspad Noordsvaarder

    Boswachterspad Noordsvaarder
    (11.0 km)

    Mount the dunes from Terschelling and discover the dynamic nature during this tough wal over this Wadisland.

    from your location

  • Polder Pracht

    Polder Pracht
    (25.6 km)

    At the Terschellinger polder you will find lots of Birds. Especially in the months of April, May and June wenn all flowers come to bloom. Then you...

    from your location

  • Napoleonroute

    (11.8 km)

    from your location

  • Wandelroute Nationaal Park Schiermonnikoog

    Wandelroute Nationaal Park Schiermonnikoog
    (11.3 km)

    On Schiermonnikoog you will find the most natural shaped areas. This hike will show you the dynamic landscapes caused by nature.

    from your location

  • From City to Mudflat

    From City to Mudflat
    (16.0 km)

    From City to Mudflat

    from your location

  • Wandelroute Westpolder kwelders

    Wandelroute Westpolder kwelders

    Breeding season: not accessible

    (4.2 km)

    from your location

  • Helderse Duinen

    Helderse Duinen
    (15.5 km)

    Wandelen in en rond Den Helder?! Jazeker. Wie naar de kop van Noord-Holland reist, wordt beloond met een verrassend veelzijdige route. Van slingerp...

    from your location

  • Alde Lunen

    Alde Lunen Dokkumer Ee
    (8.0 km)

    Just north of Kollum, this delightful canoe route travels through the edges of the Lauwersmeer National Park. The route takes you along Kollumeroud...

    from your location

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